efa inventory device ntp server create

Creates an NTP server.


efa inventory device ntp server create [ --ip device-ip | --ntp-ip ntp-ip | --auth-key key | --auth-key-name key-name | --encryption-type { md5 | sha1 } | --trusted-key | --fabric name ]


--auth-key key
Specifies the authentication key ID. Values can be from 1 to 65535.
--auth-key-name key-name
Specifies the name of the key.
--encryption-type { md5 | sha1 }
Specifies the encryption type. .
--fabric name
Specifies the name of the fabric. Required if you do not specify --ip.
--ip device-ip
Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. For example:,, Required if you do not specify --fabric.
--ntp-ip ntp-ip
Specifies the IP address of the NTP server.
--trusted-key key
Specifies the trusted key.

Usage Guidelines

The command creates an NTP server. By default, XCO sets the key name to be encrypted 7. SLX supports encryption levels of 0 (clear text) and 7 (encrypted).

Here, one auth-key ID can be used by different NTP servers in SLX. To simplify, XCO enforces a unique key id per NTP server. Here, device IP addresses and fabric options are mutually exclusive.


efa inventory device ntp server create –ntp-ip 
–-auth-key 1 –-auth-key-name ntpsecret –-encryption-type md5 –trusted-key  
efa inventory device ntp server create –ntp-ip –-auth-key 1 
–-auth-key-name ntpsecret –-encryption-type md5 –trusted-key –-fabic clos_fabric